
How to change between IMEs

Well, now you can make your computer show Chinese characters. But that is not enough, right? What you want to do is typing, but not just watching. By default, you can switch to the IME you use with Ctrl + Space when writing something. But it seems that this does not work correctly all the time. I myself met this situation several times. I do not know why this happens. I consider this a bug in Windows. I’ve tried some ways to make it work, but they are all too much troublesome. Here is a better and easier way, try Ctrl + Shift. Ctrl + Shift can switch between different IMEs, And Ctrl + Space can turn IME on and off. Now you do not need to turn IME on, you just need to change between IMEs. But there is one more thing you need to do, delete En IME, as show below:

  • Select En IME, and press Delete:

Screenshot - 2008-1-7 , 13_57_47

  • And the final setting is like this:

Screenshot - 2008-1-7 , 13_58_49


How to make my computer work with Chinese

Want to learn Chinese? Especially with a computer go with Windows? But there is a problem, there’s no Chinese character shown on your screen. Why?

Well, Windows works very well with Chinese, in fact. The reason why your computer gets nothing is that you did not install the East Asia Language Support. I made a flash file to show how this works, but I do not know how to make it shown on my blog. Maybe Youtobe is a good choice, but I made the video with Wink, who get a special compress method, and this makes that it does not work well with Youtobe. So I make this file a exe file, and upload it to Divshare. You can download it see how to make your computer work well with Chinese.


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