
Blog With Windows Live Writer

Are you a blogger? What's your favorite way to publish your blog? Maybe you just use the traditional way to publish, that is goto the blog website, login, goto the editer page and then type your words. Well, this is a good way, but maybe there are some ways better, like using a off-line blog software. Windows Live Writer is just this kind of software.

The newest vision of Windows Live Writer is 1.0, but this software is still in beta. This is a very powerful tool, just like most Microsoft software. This tool support most BSP type, like Windows Live Space, which is also microsoft's, Wordpress, Blogger, and many other types. I have two blogs, one is blogger and the other one is based on wordpress, so this software can just fit my need. You can do many special effect with it, and I think of course you can find out them. But there is just one thing that I am not so happy with, that is you can not insert picture directly to some web services. You will have to upload you pictures first, and then copy the URL of the picture and paste them to Windows Live Writer, which is rather troublesome.

Unlike most microsoft's softwares, Windows Live Writer is free, you can run it immediately after installation.


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